Affiliated to CBSE, Govt. of India, New Delhi vide Affiliation No. 831234
Affiliated to CBSE, Govt. of India,
New Delhi vide Affiliation No. 831234

International Yoga Day And World Music Day 2023

The International Day of Yoga is marked annually on June 21 on a global scale since 2015. An invaluable gift of ancient Indian tradition, yoga has emerged as one of the most trusted means to boost physical and mental well-being. This year, the theme for International Yoga Day is "Humanity," which beautifully encapsulates our collective aspiration for our planet Earth. NPS Hosur Road communicated this message with a special assembly containing Rhythmic Yoga & Display formation, concluding with Surya namaskar. Music is a language that doesn't speak words yet conveys a lot. Students of NPS achieved the same with a speech, skit and group song especially formulated to celebrate Music Day. The program succeeded in delivering the core messages connected with both the occasions.