Give your little ones the perfect start with National Public School, Hosur Road one of the

best Montessori schools in Electronic City Bangalore

When you have a child entering school age, you have reasons to feel cautious. This is because these first steps of educating a child can tremendously affect their future education. However, it is crucial to understand that children might not naturally take to things that elementary education entails - separation from their parents and guardians for several hours, being forced to sit down disciplined, and reading books. Therefore, your best chance is to go to a Montessori school. And National Public School, Hosur Road, is one of the best Montessori schools in Electronic City Bangalore.

An introduction to the Montessori schooling system

Bangalore is at the forefront of technological advancements in the country. This phenomenon has even earned it the reputation of being the Silicon Valley of India. Still, if you wish to ensure your child will be able to make the most of the advantages of the city, then National Public School, Hosur Road, is among the best Montessori pre primary schools in South Bangalore for you.

A Montessori school is developed according to the educational principles and approach developed by Dr. Maria Montessori. She was an Italian physician and educator in the early 1900s. She had this idea, revolutionary for her times, that children have a natural curiosity about things and a desire to learn. She also believed that the best way to educate them is by allowing them to explore the world around them and discover things independently. Those are the principles on which Montessori schools are based, and they have been proven effective in inducting students into education. That is why we have established ourselves as one of the top elementary Montessori schools in Bangalore India.

Montessori Method focuses on hands-on and experiential learning. It endeavours to create an environment conducive to the children's education by filling the space with several objects that students can learn from and encouraging them to develop at their own pace. Being one of the top elementary Montessori schools in Bangalore, India, we have adopted all these methodologies. Here, the classroom is not arranged in a conventional manner where furniture is made to focus on centre stage. Instead, classes are organized around several learning centres or stations with options for various activities. The student can choose from among these activities on their accord. The activities are designed to promote development in areas like math, language, science, art, and social skills. But, of course, only the best Montessori pre primary schools in South Bangalore can be expected to design such classes optimally.

The role of the teacher is also different in a Montessori school than in other schools. While conventionally, teachers have acted as instructors; in Montessori schools, their primary role is as a facilitator. They guide the children through the learning process and facilitate their learning process but don't tell them what to do. The initiative is left to students who can choose of their own accord. Thus, Montessori schools are child-oriented. They are ideal for elementary education as they make it easy for children to adapt to the environment of schools and classrooms. The relative freedom of these classes ensures that young minds won't feel imprisoned in a strange environment. Further, it helps create a natural craving for knowledge in students.

Montessori education is typically started at a very young age. Their child-centred approach revolutionized the education system. Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, was one of the biggest supporters of this education system. The best Montessori schools in electronic city Bangalore, like National Public School, Hosur Road, adopted this system.

Advantages of Montessori schooling at National Public School, Hosur Road

National Public School, Hosur Road, is one of the best Montessori schools in electronic city Bangalore. Our youngest students benefit from the Montessori school system in transitioning from school-free early childhood to the schooling system. As one of the top elementary Montessori schools in Bangalore India, we provide the best start to your child's future. The following are some of the many advantages you and your child benefits from when they take elementary education through National Public School, Hosur Road:

Child-centered learning

At National Public School, Hosur Road, we wish to change the conventional prejudice where teachers take the central stage in education instead of students. The Montessori system is one prominent example of this. The difference between the two systems is that students choose the direction of lessons individually in our schooling system. There are no fixed curriculum and no advanced plans made by teachers. Instead, teachers assist students based on their individual interests and developmental goals. That not only makes National Public School, Hosur Road, one of the best Montessori pre-primary schools in South Bangalore but also helps us develop a culture in students where they know education is something they do for themselves.

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An environment both welcoming and conducive to the education of children

One of the disadvantages of exposing students to the conventional education system in their early years is that the discipline required in the school environment makes it look like imprisonment. The other extreme is gigging students too much independence in their early years while ignoring their early education. Being one of the top elementary Montessori schools in Bangalore India, we have managed to find the golden mean between these two extremes by creating an environment that lets students feel free in an environment that is safe for them and yet conducive to their education by allowing them to learn at their own initiative.

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Development of social environment

The conventional education system doesn't give students much space to interact amongst themselves. As one of the best Montessori schools in electronic city Bangalore, we create an environment where students are encouraged to converse with each other and be friends with each other. This fosters friendships and a feeling of community, making students fall in love with school life and creating a community, enriching their school life for years to come. It also helps to develop emotional intelligence among students.

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Learn by doing

National Public School, Hosur Road, is one of the best Montessori pre-primary schools in South Bangalore. One of the reasons we have achieved this status is by encouraging hands-on learning among our students. We encourage students to learn by conducting their own little experiments. In addition, specialised materials and activities are provided to promote a habit of scientific exploration and discovery among our students.

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Individualized instruction for every student

Children are like snowflakes - they are all unique and have their own unique needs. At National Public School, Hosur Road, we understand this, and thus, our teachers develop a system of individualised attention and education. This is one of the biggest reasons we are one of the top elementary Montessori schools in Bangalore India.

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A balanced freedom

As one of the best Montessori schools in electronic city Bangalore, we respect a child's need to feel free. Thus, our elementary classes give them an incredible sense of freedom where they can choose their activities and pace - of course, for security and encouraging a sense of social responsibility, there are some reasonable limits to this freedom.

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Encouragement of self-motivation and self-discipline

One of the reasons we are listed among the best Montessori pre-primary schools in South Bangalore is that we encourage our students to develop a sense of responsibility. Self-discipline is encouraged instead of forcing discipline on children. Similarly, we ensure that students feel motivated to learn on their own accord rather than because of perks given by elders.

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Holistic education

Thus far, it must be clear that our classes are not merely about paper and pen-based learning. They take a holistic look at education by developing linguistic skills, the right temperament, emotional intelligence, etc. It is not desirable to ignore these educational goals until too late in a student's education. As one of the top elementary Montessori schools in Bangalore India, we start working on these skills very early.

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Develops an appreciation for nature among students

One of the banes of living in a city like Bangalore is that your children grow up in an environment divorced from nature. Spending time in natural surroundings brings several psychological benefits, but most children growing up in cities never learn to appreciate nature for its beauty and benefits. Being one of the best Montessori pre-primary schools in South Bangalore, we endeavour to change that by developing an appreciation for the environment among our students.

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Despite being one of the best Montessori schools in electronic city Bangalore, we charge only a reasonable fee as we wish to make education accessible to all children.

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Best teachers

One of the biggest reasons we are one of the best Montessori pre-primary schools in South Bangalore is our teaching faculty. Our teachers are the biggest source of our pride, being composed of some of the best teachers in Bangalore.

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Designing classes according to the Montessori education system is more complex than designing conventional classes. Only the best Montessori schools in electronic city Bangalore can be expected to do it right. National Public School, Hosur Road, is one such school.

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Being one of the best Montessori pre-primary schools in South Bangalore, we have taken all the possible measures to ensure a safe school environment. Not only activities like bullying are discouraged and punished sternly, but our staff also provides the security of all our students.

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Your child's home for all their schooling years

We are not only one of the top elementary Montessori schools in Bangalore India, but we are also one of the best in the city for kindergarten, primary, secondary, and senior secondary education. Our curriculum is based on the Central Board of Secondary Education. Still, we have an excellent co-curriculum program as well to ensure that the child develops an all-around personality.

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Your child's home for all their schooling years

We are not only one of the top elementary Montessori schools in Bangalore India, but we are also one of the best in the city for kindergarten, primary, secondary, and senior secondary education. Our curriculum is based on the Central Board of Secondary Education. Still, we have an excellent co-curriculum program as well to ensure that the child develops an all-around personality.

All these advantages have made us one of the best Montessori schools in electronic city Bangalore. Our students go on to do well not in academics but also in their life as well.

Thus, if you wish to let your child benefit from the top elementary Montessori schools in Bangalore India, please enrol your children with us.