Affiliated to CBSE, Govt. of India, New Delhi vide Affiliation No. 831234
Affiliated to CBSE, Govt. of India,
New Delhi vide Affiliation No. 831234

Reading Week Celebration 2022

“There is no friend as loyal as a book.”
– Earnest Hemingway

Acknowledging the importance of reading, we at National Public School, Hosur Road celebrated National Reading Day on June 19th. This was followed by Reading Week from June 19th to June 26th, 2022. As part of the National Reading Day celebration, the students took the Reading Pledge in the school assembly where they vowed to read and shine the light of knowledge gained to solve problems, personal and those that affect the country. Thanush Landa of Grade 8B urged the students to read judiciously every day-either from books, magazines, or any other sources to become better readers.

As part of the Reading Week celebration, Dr. Seuss books were introduced to the students of Grade 1 and 2. They read ‘Are you my mother?’, which helped them enjoy the beauty of rhyming words woven into an interesting plot. This in turn helped to reinforce the vocabulary building and reading skills. The students participated in reading many more of Dr.Seuss’s books. This was followed by a fun quiz on the books read.

Through the week, Grade 3 students were encouraged to read books on Indian mythology and books written by Indian authors. They were given a glimpse of stories by budding Indian authors like Asha Nehemiah and Deepa Agarwal, during their reading program classes. To encourage their younger schoolmates to take on the ingrained habit of reading, Grade 4 students made posters on the ‘Importance of Reading.’ The students of Grades 5 & 6 wrote book reviews analysing their favourite books. Books from different genres were introduced to the students to aid them to appreciate the immensity of choices available for reading. This enabled the students to identify and choose books independently from the school library collection. The students of Grade 6-9 made posters and cards on their favourite fictional characters.

As part of the Reading Week celebration, Library department arranged an author visit by Ms. Malakumar. The session was organised for the students of Grades 5-9. Ms. Malakumar. The well- known children’s book author presented and interacted cheerfully with the students. The author shared her journey of writing, and the students were thrilled to interact with the author. The session instilled students to read and write more books.

The Reading Week celebration emphasised that reading books not only empowers each of us but can unite us too.