Affiliated to CBSE, Govt. of India, New Delhi vide Affiliation No. 831234
Affiliated to CBSE, Govt. of India,
New Delhi vide Affiliation No. 831234

Investiture Ceremony

NPS Hosur Road bestows young leaders in the Investiture Ceremony

“If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then you are an excellent leader.”

On 19th June, 2023, NPS Hosur Road hosted its grand Investiture Ceremony, setting the stage for the academic year 2023-24. With Mrs. Usha Mahesh Reddy, Director - Principal, Mrs. Nirmala Mohan, Vice Principal, and Mrs. Pranathi Shee - Primary Academic Coordinator in attendance, the event exuded an aura of formality and significance. The Investiture Ceremony, a prestigious affair, served as the platform to officially confer power and responsibility upon the newly elected and selected young leaders of the school.

To invoke blessings from the divine, the event commenced with a soul-stirring rendition by the students. Following this, the students of grade 6 to 9 staged a classical dance show symbolizing cultural beginnings that would accompany the academic programs throughout the year.

Under the guidance of the esteemed Director Principal, Mrs. Usha Mahesh Reddy, deserving students were appointed to key leadership positions within NPS School. The Director Principal and Vice Principal had the honour of bestowing badges upon the School Prefect, Vice Prefect, School Discipline Committee Members, Fit India Representative, Sports Captain, Captains of the various houses and the Presidents of school clubs. This symbolic act marked the official transfer of authority to these young leaders, signifying their role in shaping the school's future.


Following the badge bestowment, the newly appointed council members and students participated in an oath taking ceremony. This solemn moment exemplified their commitment to fulfilling their responsibilities with integrity and dedication. The event instilled a sense of pride and motivation in the young leaders, reminding them of the trust placed upon them by the school.

Vice Principal, Mrs. Nirmala Mohan, took the opportunity to congratulate the newly appointed leaders and share her wisdom on leadership qualities. She emphasized the importance of resilience and hard work, encouraging the young leaders to inspire others and make a positive impact. Mrs. Nirmala Mohan's enlightening speech resonated with the audience, offering valuable insights into the qualities required to become exemplary leaders.

The Director Principal, Mrs. Usha Mahesh Reddy, expressed her appreciation for the collective efforts of the dedicated team of teachers and support staff who had played an instrumental role in shaping the leaders of tomorrow. Her acknowledgment highlighted the importance of teamwork and collaboration in creating a nurturing environment for students to thrive. The Formal Ceremony concluded with an inspiring speech by the School Prefect Ms. Alina Mondal.