Affiliated to CBSE, Govt. of India, New Delhi vide Affiliation No. 831234
Affiliated to CBSE, Govt. of India,
New Delhi vide Affiliation No. 831234

Parent-Teacher collaboration in Early Learning (Montessori-Juniors)

Learning is inevitable and a child is designed to learn.

Regardless of the environment, the only constant in human being has always been the tendency to learn. This holds true even for this academic year where the children have not yet been coming to school.

This year, the platform may have changed and the medium might have varied, but learning still continues...

As the ancient proverb says, "it takes a village to bring up a child”. This is particularly true in today's scenario where regardless of all the limitation, the home and school in partnership, continue to work at the child's development.

Kudos to the parent - teacher collaboration for quick adaptation to the rollercoaster change - teachers as facilitators and parents as co-teachers - the switch of roles with a lot of conviction in making learning happen for the children.

Glimpses of our little ones' learning journey at home.