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Why is the parent-teacher meeting imperative?

Montessori schools in Bangalore
Published On June 1, 2023

When you are working on something, there should be an authority that can analyse the growth. In terms of education, when teachers are fulfilling their duties of teaching students, they need someone to analyse children’s education. There is no better critic for children than their parents. That is why a parent-teacher meeting is imperative. A foundation is laid between educators and parents so that both can help children overcome various barriers affecting their learning. 

Let us take examples to understand in a better way. If you are a parent and your child is a lacklustre student, there is a possibility that he/she does not tell you about their regular activities, marks, etc. Attending a parent-teacher meeting may teach you what is going on with your child’s school life.  

A PTM is crucial to create a bond between parents and teachers because their union can bring a better version of students. Generally, parent-teacher meetings are a nightmare for children; however, they are significant regarding scholastic scores and overall development.  

Schools aren’t just for making your kid a good scorer but also a good human. They teach & train you for every aspect of life to some extent so your child never fails. Parents complete the other half. The family teaches moral values, etiquette, and emotions. If both educators unite, they aim to give children a better future. 

Let us discuss some benefits of parent-teacher meetings. 

  1. Develops a more friendly environment

You must have seen schools where teachers invite parents to school functions like annual days, Mother’s Day, competitions, parent-teacher meetings, etc. Inviting parents to school aims to understand them and make them friendly enough to discuss things about their children. Suppose teachers & parents haven’t interacted ever. The latter might not create a bond with them and will always hesitate to connect with teachers. 

  1. Makes bad situations better  

Many times students make mistakes in their school life. The only solution teachers have to improve the situation is to call parents. It might be a cliche for them. However, the goal behind calling parents is to communicate with them and make the situation better. Sometimes some adamant students only listen to their parents. Involving a student’s family becomes mandatory once the situation gets out of control. 

  1. Sharing the insights of students 

Whatever a student deals with at school might not be visible to their parents. For that reason, parent-teacher meetings are arranged. Teachers can discuss a child’s growth, behaviour, failure, consequences, solutions, etc. It is not just about a student’s score but a holistic approach to making students better. For instance, there are mischievous students or talkative pupils. Teachers complain about their behaviour or their approach to class and school. 

  1. Bring improvements to children 

Children are soft and can be moulded into anything. All they need is an educator and a family. Children grab things quickly, so whatever you teach them, they grasp in seconds. So, if you point out their mistakes and ask them to correct or teach them a better way, they will adopt it. Parent-teacher meetings are meant to mould children and bring about improvement when necessary. 

  1. Explore the child better

Sometimes one person can have different personalities at different places or for various people. A student can be mischievous in school, but they are disciplined at home. In such scenarios, parent-teacher meetings unravel the children’s other side. If a teacher tells parents that their child is talkative, this can be an eye-opener for parents because, at home, their child may pretend to be quiet & obedient. When students fail to complete homework but do classwork on time, teachers can help parents plan their ward’s day. 

  1. Learn About school

Parents’ responsibilities are not restricted to admission only; they must analyse the school constantly regarding curriculum, co-curricular activities, teachers, staff, safety and security, etc., during parent-teacher meetings. They analyse it all, including the behaviour of teachers. They need constant assurance that they have made the right decision by admitting their kids to that particular school. Parents have become more diligent about tracking their school’s growth, and parent-teacher meetings give them the perfect time and platform. 

  1. Brings transparency 

During any one-on-one discussion, there is a high degree of transparency. Both parties get to know everything about the subject. In the case of a parent-teacher meeting, the purpose is that everything regarding a child should be on the table: their progress, areas of improvement, behaviour, etc. The more the discussion, the better the transparency. A child’s development needs to instil discipline and fear.

The final thought

Parent-teacher meetings are necessary for schools to create a better future for children. Schools like Montessori schools in Bangalore keep an eye on arranging parent-teacher meetings at regular intervals so that they bring out the best in their students. So, this was all about the importance of parent-teacher meetings and their role in making better students. Hope you are now well aware of the importance of PTM for you and your kid.